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Online Store

You are here because you want easy, proven and engaging resources 

  • Here you can purchase  pedagogical plays that WILL make a difference in the lives of teens you work with
  • You receive a license to copy and use the plays for educational purposes
  • The plays come pre-formatted in an easy to use size - 8X10 Standard Letter sized printing for multiple copies
  • Each play comes with questions that stimulate discussion and develop advanced empathy, experience and sound decision making skills

THRIVE - An e-book collection of all 15 plays! That's only $1.00per play!


Thrive drama resources teachers n-gage educational resources counselling teens

1 Play can change a life forever


Thrive drama resources teachers n-gage educational resources counselling teens

5 Plays will reach so many different needs


Thrive drama resources teachers n-gage educational resources counselling teens

3 plays can reach many more 


Thrive drama resources teachers n-gage educational resources counselling teens

10 plays reaches many and gives you weeks of material



Our complete e-book collection of plays - "THRIVE"

15 Plays makes you a WORLD CHANGER! 


Thrive N-gage educational resources teens drama play counselling teachers educators Nelson Camp dramatherapy at-risk resources
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