self-esteem cutting alcohol teen teenagers addictions gangs teacher resources teachers counselor counselling counseling ela english language arts discussion small-groups therapy adolescence adolescents theft peer-pressure steroid use drama drugs sex sexuality unplanned pregnancy STDs STD STI STIs anorexia bulimia alone lonely school guidance prepared lessons OCD ODD ADHD stealing stalker internet child exploitation


What People are Saying...

"I loved seeing the participation of my students! Great way to get them talking and thinking!" - Elaine, Teacher

"My son came home talking about how they were doing drama skits in English class that helped him better understand how others feel in situations. Thank you Ms. Gladestone for engaging our youth in practical lessons and for giving them hope!" - Lisa, Parent

"Great way to teach kids about empathy and great decision-making skills" - Caroline, counselor

Mr. Kruk's class was so much fun! It helped me to see what people go through and think about things I might face one day - Amy, student


Thrive N-gage educational resources teens drama play counselling teachers educators Nelson Camp dramatherapy at-risk
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